Red Rose Landscaping is excited to introduce the newest method of driveway snow removal:
The Tractor and Inverted Snowblower.
This piece of equipment is set-up to service any type of residential driveway configuration, with clean consistent results. With this technology, we are able to quickly and safely clear your snowy driveway with more efficiency
Advantages of the Tractor with
1. Safer as there are no large snow piles left
at the ends of the driveway to impede vision.
2. Operator visibility is improved by roughly
50% both front and rear when compared to a
3. Less damage to driveway and cleaner
scraping on the pavement.
4. More efficient for driveways then plowing
with increased maneuverability.
The utilization of agricultural tractors with blowers for residential services in not new, as it is commonly seen in Canada and heavier snow belt areas. This set-up outperforms any truck/plow combination in the residential marketplace for efficiency, safety, and productivity regardless of the snowfall amount, which is why we have chosen to implement this equipment in our operations. Ultimately, it translates to better service for our customers, so the choice was easy to make.
This is the future of residential snow removal and Red Rose Landscaping LLC is the first property maintenance company to offer this service in the Buffalo area. Our goal over the next few years is to expand this service to further areas based on client growth and route density.
Listed below are the areas of residential tractor service.
Tonawanda areas

Kenmore Areas